Emma and the Werewolves?

Ha.  I know everyone’s been blindsided by all the zombie Pride and Prejudice folderol, but still – how could I miss this?

Meet Coscom Entertainment‘s Emma and the Werewolves, written by Adam Rann:

As the ever headstrong Ms. Emma Woodhouse schemes and plots as matchmaker, a dark and deadly terror descends upon Highbury. A series of bestial murders fills the residents with fear as the ever mysterious Mr. Knightley leads a secret life, unknown to all, combating evils not of this Earth.

Carnage and destruction reign throughout the land, and though the residents of Highbury try to attend to day-to-day matters as civilly as possible, each cannot help but wonder what lurks in the shadows and if it’ll be coming for them next.

Release date is December 8.  Emma and the Werewolves is available in paperback, right now.

Straaaange Blog! That’s how my Blog Goes…

This blog is a hodgepodge, so i figure I should adapt it for more gloriously random uses. I think I’ll start posting some of the outfits I slap up on various fashion communities. I will also endeavor to post the interesting media (or not-so-interesting media) that I’m always slapping up on Facebook. And other stuff. I promise.

Mainly thinking out loud.

And now, a silly Depeche Mode video.


Emma Odds ‘n’ Ends and Happy Christmas and Stuff…

So another old edition of Emma wuz auctioned today.

Also, IndiaTimes presents a short article about Ayesha star Sonam Kapoor, who discusses her work on the film, endorsements, and future projects.  According to the piece, Ayesha will drop in April, 2010.

Also, happy holidays.  My little tree and I salute you…

Photo on 2009-12-04 at 10.57
Merry Christmas, Fools and Foolinas!

Emma 4 DVD available for preorder…

Purchase the DVD via my Amazon Astore here.

TVShowsOnDVD.com reports:

The BBC and distributor Warner Home Video have announced that the 4-part 2009 mini-series, Jane Austen’s Emma, will arrive on DVD this February 9th. The 2-disc set running 240 minutes will cost $34.98 SRP, and include 3 bonus Featurettes and an Interview:

  • Emma’s Locations
  • Emma’s Costumes
  • Emma’s Music
  • Emma’s Mr. Woodhouse – interview with Michael Gambon

Cool.  There’s even a little preview clip available.

Emma 4, Episode 4 Screencaps…

are here.

Haven’t been able to get any good episode 3 caps because the only available, trustworthy source had a sign interpreter superimposed on every frame.  🙁  Will search for a workable file in the meantime.

Austen Pilgrimage to England, 1997

Oh, I want to retemplate this thing SO BADLY…

But I don’t have time to deal with site redesigns right now.  /nonsequitur.  You may have noticed that Storied is gone.  The initial wave of interest dissipated, and I decided I didn’t want to deal with constant Joomla and plugin updates if nobody was actively using the site.

Emma bidness.  I’ve noticed a fair amount of Miss Woodhouse-inspired items listed on Etsy.  My favorite so far is this tiny Emma Woodhouse Mouse.

And whilst I lag on my own Emma 4 episode 3/4 screencaps, you can peruse other people’s.  Laurel Ann discovered a huge collection of E4 caps on Livejournal.

Also.  Masterpiece Classic has an Emma 4 site up.  Airdates will be sundays, January 24-February 7, 2010.

Random updates to the Emma Adaptations Pages to follow.

Haunted Mansion What?

Kali and friends at the Mansion's 30th anniversary festivities, 1999.
Kali and friends at the Mansion's 30th anniversary festivities, 1999.

So I’ve been woefully out of touch with the Haunted Mansion scene lately, partly because I don’t have time and partly because I’m sick to death of the merch-o-rama effect that surrounds every attraction milestone.  I didn’t attend the 40th anniversary festivities that coincided with the D23 Expo back in September, but I did find this cute interactive Haunted Mansion feature at the Disney site.  It features a version of Rolly Crump’s Corridor of Doors wallpaper (for your desktop – basically a larger version of what I offer at Better Haunts & Graveyards), a video clip on the mansion, a stretching portrait gag, little photo galleries, and more.  Oh, and it also features my Disney alterego,  Marc Davis’ April D., morphing from April to June to September to December.  🙂

Go there…