New publications! Classic diner pinup in The Social Pin and Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre

Two more pinup publications this year, both with photography, makeup and hair by Marilee Caruso! My Rick’s Dessert Diner images are in the super-duper Social Pin Issue 72 (and on the back cover!) and my Lucy Westenra (of the Coppola Bram Stoker’s Dracula adaptation fame) pics are in Volume 1 of Retro Lovely‘s new Vampyre special edition!

On the back cover of The Social Pin #72!
Lucy Westenra cosplay
Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre.

More after the jump…

Continue reading “New publications! Classic diner pinup in The Social Pin and Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre”

New pinup with Bombshell PinUp Photography!

I have two new pinup publications with some great new collaborators: Liz of Bombshell Pinup Photography and Sam of Beauty by Samantha White! Our images are featured in six-page spreads in both Retro Lovely No. 237 and Bombshell‘s February Valentine’s issue! And, we got a cover!

The first set was a lovely Gil Elvgren-inspired Valentine’s Day collection of images featuring a beautiful vintage satin comforter set acquired by Liz. I brought some cool fake roses, my vintage See’s Candy Valentine heart boxes, and a goodly chunk of my lingerie wardrobe, and here’s the result:

Catherine Morland by Bombshell PinUp Photography
Catherine Morland on the cover of Bombshell Magazine, photographed by Bombshell PinUp Photography.

Sam’s makeup was amazing, Liz’s hairstyling was sublime, and my Bettie Page lingerie, What Katie Did Demi corset, vintage jewelry, trusty dusty Manolo Blahnik Sedarabys, and Catherine D’Lish lilac Cassandra robe did their jobs!

The second look was very bondage-y, inspired by our Pinup Queen, Bettie Mae Page. I brought my hand-tooled leather collar and black lingerie, and borrowed Liz’s PVC corset, shoes, and props. Sam gave me a bold red lip and Liz gave me Bettie waves. And we were off! 

More pics from our two-look shoot after the jump…

Continue reading “New pinup with Bombshell PinUp Photography!”

A new Retro Lovely Showcase issue dedicated entirely to Catherine Morland!

So here’s some fun news! I now have a Retro Lovely Showcase special edition dedicated entirely to my pinup work with great photographers like Marilee Caruso, Miss Missy, Bettina May, and Feathered Flash!

Catherine Morland Showcase special edition by Retro Lovely
Catherine Morland Showcase special edition by Retro Lovely.

You can purchase a copy here for $25, including shipping, a sticker, and my signature!

Posters are available too, for $15 signed and shipped!

This issue, the cover poster, and my 2024 pinup calendar are also currently available via my Linktree.

More Retro Lovely Pinup to round out the year!

I have a couple of shoots coming in the new year and a set featuring my 1780s chemise a la reine that’s on the way, but now it’s time to share my last two pinup publications of 2023: Retro Lovely No. 231 and Godiva No. 61!  Marilee Caruso Photography did the photos, hair, and makeup for both shoots! 

Catherine Morland cemetery shoot in Retro Lovely
Catherine Morland cemetery shoot in Retro Lovely.
Catherine Morland cemetery shoot in Retro Lovely
Catherine Morland cemetery shoot in Retro Lovely.
Catherine Morland cemetery shoot in Retro Lovely
Catherine Morland cemetery shoot in Retro Lovely. That’s Mark Hopkins’ crypt in the background (right).

The Retro Lovely flagship set is another Halloween homage, this time at location in an historic cemetery in Sacramento! This was our third attempt to shoot this set, after tries one and two were postponed due to bad weather. Five months after our first attempt (January), we finally got the weather we needed.

I love the results: black and white, witchy, vintage! The entire outfit is Micheline Pitt, with very cheap (signed!) Manolo Blahnik Camparis I got secondhand.

The Godiva set features Marilee’s boudoir at the studio, freshly-painted green this Summer! I wanted a “New Year’s Eve” afterparty vibe, and Marilee delivered with warm lighting and festive props!

Catherine Morland in Godiva
Catherine Morland in Godiva.
Catherine Morland in Godiva
Catherine Morland in Godiva.
Catherine Morland in Godiva
Catherine Morland in Godiva.

My outfit consisted of lingerie by Dita Von Teese and a Demi Corset, stockings, and garter belt by What Katie Did Demi Corset. The shoes are my trusty Christian Louboutin Piou-pious.

As always, you can order these issues, my 2024 calendars, and any of my recent issues via my Linktree:

Roses and the historic Tower Theatre in Retro Lovely 229

Last month, Marilee Caruso and I took some Summery outdoor pinup images in the garden in front of Sacramento’s historic Tower Theatre. They turned out just as I’d hoped, and appear in Retro Lovely Number 229! One of the covers for this issue features Suzi Q in a great jukebox-themed pinup set also photographed by Marilee!

Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso
Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso.

Marilee did the fabulous 1940s-inspired makeup and hair, and I’m wearing Vixen by Micheline Pitt (her 1950s Swing Sundress in red vintage roses print – it comes with the scarf!). The bat sunglasses are also by Micheline Pitt, from her La Femme en Noir line. The shoes are by Remix (I think they’re the Veronica style, but I’ve had them for at least 8 years at this point so I can’t be sure).

Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso.
Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso
Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso.

We were going for mid-century old Hollywood glamour, and this locale provides that vibe. 

You can purchase this issue, and all of my issues here, or via the links in my Linktree:


The Creature From the Black Lagoon does pinup in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties Number 4

Earlier this year, I shot some fun, Summery pinup images with my friend and fave photographer Marilee Caruso and our good buddy the Gill Man of Creature From the Black Lagoon film fame. I wore a pretty gold lamé repro of the famous “Swoon” suit style of the 1940s by Vintage Suits by Mary and posed in a pond set carefully designed by Marilee.

Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4
Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4.

The photos ended up being playful and funny, as we very quickly moved away from me playing terrorized victim to the creature himself turning tail and running away. I’m guessing it was my big net and massive Dooneese Maharelle energy that scared him off? The world may never know.

Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4
Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4.

Anyway, a fun way to bridge the gap between hot Summer days by the lagoon and Halloween.

There are six images in all, each published in Volume 4 of this year’s Bathing Beauties special edition by Retro Lovely. To purchase this or any of my publications, including my 2024 pinup calendar by Retro Lovely, see my LinkTree.

A 2024 Retro Lovely Pinup Calendar for Catherine Morland! Order now!

IT’S CALENDAR TIME! Thanks to Retro Lovely Magazine you can now order your very own Catherine Morland pinup calendar featuring the brilliant photography of Marilee Caruso!
It’s $25 shipped and signed (I’ll personalize it if you wish – just let me know the name you want me to use!). Includes a sticker featuring my likeness by Marianne Von Crow.
2024 Catherine Morland Pinup Calendar by Retro Lovely
2024 Catherine Morland Pinup Calendar by Retro Lovely.
2024 Catherine Morland Pinup Calendar by Retro Lovely
2024 Catherine Morland Pinup Calendar by Retro Lovely.
First batch of orders will ship by the end of the month! Thanks so much for your support!

Hearst Castle-inspired pinup in June Bombshell!

The June issue of Bombshell magazine is out! My Hearst Castle-inspired set by Marilee Caruso (who also did the makeup and hair) is in Book 1, including the inside cover facing the table of contents. If you want to grab this – or any – Magcloud publication on sale, there’s a discount code right now: MAG25.

Catherine Morland in Bombshell magazine
Hearst Castle library-inspired image by Marilee Caruso. I’m wearing the Gene dress by Trashy Diva.

Since I am a huge fan of William Randolph Hearst’s La Cuesta Encantata estate (“the enchanted hill,” now a California State Park located near San Simeon, CA), I wanted to incorporate a sliver of the atmosphere there. Virtually all aspects of the architecture and decoration were overseen by architect and Berkeley grad (Go Bears!) Julia Morgan over nearly three decades, and it remains one of her most impressive projects.

Hearst Castle library photographed by me
Hearst Castle library photographed by me. Note the Greek pottery atop the bookcases.

Since we couldn’t shoot at the actual house, we adapted Marilee’s “study” setup to double as W.R.’s library. The original room  is very Spanish Baroque in ways that only a wealthy media mogul who collected lots of European antiques can replicate, but we did our best. I added a reproduction Greek vase (dude collected tons of art, including a huge ancient pottery collection from Greek antiquity which he highlighted in his library) and my “Citizen Kane” snowglobe to the studio set.

Marilee put images from my Film Noir shoot on the late 1940s tv console to add another layer of meaning, as both Hearst and Marion Davies (his girlfriend and major silent era and golden age of Hollywood star) were involved in the early American film industry. Given the tv cabinet and the more mid-century look of the studio set, we couldn’t do 1920s or 30s. And since the house was closed during World War II and  Mr. Hearst and Davies left the house in 1947 due to the former’s ill health, we figured a small evening party in 1946 or 1947 “coulda happened” like this.

You can find this and all my issues via my Linktree.