New publications! Classic diner pinup in The Social Pin and Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre

Two more pinup publications this year, both with photography, makeup and hair by Marilee Caruso! My Rick’s Dessert Diner images are in the super-duper Social Pin Issue 72 (and on the back cover!) and my Lucy Westenra (of the Coppola Bram Stoker’s Dracula adaptation fame) pics are in Volume 1 of Retro Lovely‘s new Vampyre special edition!

On the back cover of The Social Pin #72!
Lucy Westenra cosplay
Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre.

More after the jump…

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The Brides of Dracula suck the life out of Retro Lovely’s Halloween in April special edition!

I love the 1992 Dracula adaptation with Winona Ryder and Gary Oldman. While watching the film in a Carson City theater auditorium last year (Fathom Events hosted a set of 30th anniversary showings back in October), I was struck by the idea of doing a pinup shoot featuring the count’s three hot vampire brides. Fast-forward to the end of April, and my dream was not only reality, it’s on the cover of Retro Lovely‘s “Halloween in April” special edition, Volume 1!

Brides of Dracula Retro Lovely Halloween in April Cover
Brides of Dracula on Retro Lovely’s Halloween in April Cover.

My friends Miss Melody Noir and Lena Von Noir kindly agreed to be my sister brides for the shoot, and Marilee Caruso – my favorite photographer! – signed on to do makeup, hair, and (of course) take the pictures.

More after the jump… Continue reading “The Brides of Dracula suck the life out of Retro Lovely’s Halloween in April special edition!”