New publications! Classic diner pinup in The Social Pin and Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre

Two more pinup publications this year, both with photography, makeup and hair by Marilee Caruso! My Rick’s Dessert Diner images are in the super-duper Social Pin Issue 72 (and on the back cover!) and my Lucy Westenra (of the Coppola Bram Stoker’s Dracula adaptation fame) pics are in Volume 1 of Retro Lovely‘s new Vampyre special edition!

On the back cover of The Social Pin #72!
Lucy Westenra cosplay
Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre.

More after the jump…

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The Creature From the Black Lagoon does pinup in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties Number 4

Earlier this year, I shot some fun, Summery pinup images with my friend and fave photographer Marilee Caruso and our good buddy the Gill Man of Creature From the Black Lagoon film fame. I wore a pretty gold lamé repro of the famous “Swoon” suit style of the 1940s by Vintage Suits by Mary and posed in a pond set carefully designed by Marilee.

Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4
Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4.

The photos ended up being playful and funny, as we very quickly moved away from me playing terrorized victim to the creature himself turning tail and running away. I’m guessing it was my big net and massive Dooneese Maharelle energy that scared him off? The world may never know.

Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4
Catherine Morland and Gilman in Retro Lovely Bathing Beauties number 4.

Anyway, a fun way to bridge the gap between hot Summer days by the lagoon and Halloween.

There are six images in all, each published in Volume 4 of this year’s Bathing Beauties special edition by Retro Lovely. To purchase this or any of my publications, including my 2024 pinup calendar by Retro Lovely, see my LinkTree.

Boudoir pinup by Bettina May in Retro Lovely’s Godiva magazine

I had the pleasure of shooting with the multi-talented and very lovely Bettina May back in March, and the pretty Victorian hotel photos we took that day are now on six pages of Retro Lovely‘s Godiva No. 57! Bettina did my sweet 1940s-style hair and makeup, too!

Catherine Morland photographed by Bettina May
Catherine Morland photographed by Bettina May.

I wore two fabulous lingerie outfits made for me by Rachel of Buttress & Snatch in the UK, a blue tulle robe by GlamourGhoul on Etsy, and a black ruffled Cassandra robe by Catherine D’Lish.

More pictures after the jump… Continue reading “Boudoir pinup by Bettina May in Retro Lovely’s Godiva magazine”

Disney Haunted Mansion cosplay in Retro Lovely’s Mousequerade

I love pinup, I like cosplay, and Disney theme parks have been my jam since I was a lazy-eyed baby in an eye patch singing “A Pirates Life for Me” like a drunken sailor. So it isn’t a stretch (haha, just wait for this pun payoff!) to assume I’d want to submit something to Retro Lovely‘s Disney-themed Mousequerade special edition.

Catherine Morland's Sally Slater Haunted Mansion Cosplay
Catherine Morland’s Sally Slater Haunted Mansion cosplay, photographed by Marilee Caruso.

Since the Haunted Mansion is my favorite Disneyland/Magic Kingdom attraction, I decided to go with a Sally Slater-themed cosplay. In case you didn’t know, that’s the “new” official name used for the slackrope-walking girl perched above the hungry crocodile in one of the stretching room portraits (see? I got PUNS).

More after the jump… Continue reading “Disney Haunted Mansion cosplay in Retro Lovely’s Mousequerade”

Retro Lovely Bond Girls pinup: I cosplay Plenty O’Toole from Diamonds Are Forever

It’s not a secret that I’m into “Bond Girls,” so when I saw it was a theme for one of this year’s Retro Lovely special editions, I immediately knew I had to submit something. I chose one of my favorite James Bond film girls to emulate: Plenty O’Toole from 1971’s Diamonds Are Forever, played by the gorgeous Lana Wood.

Catherine Morland cosplays as Bond Girl Plenty O’Toole.

Marilee Caruso did the pretty hair and makeup and took the photos for our six-page feature. I didn’t think I’d be able to pull off an early-1970s look, but Marilee made it work and I ended up loving the results. She also shot Missy Maybe’s lovely cover set for the same issue!

Catherine Morland cosplays as Bond Girl Plenty O’Toole.

More after the jump…

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New Year Pinup: My first Retro Lovely Holidays special edition cover

I was super-excited to work with Amanda Torres of Feathered Flash Photography last month, and she didn’t disappoint! Amanda is lovely and her work is amazing. I am over the moon with the Christmas-themed pinup photography, makeup, and hair she did for me, and proud that we both got our first Retro Lovely Holidays special edition cover this year!

Catherine Morland on the cover of Retro Lovely Holidays
Catherine Morland on the cover of Retro Lovely Holidays, photographed by Feathered Flash Photography.

More pictures after the jump…

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Christmas Pinup in Bombshell Magazine…

Marilee Caruso (photographer) and Rockwell DeVil (makeup and hair) teamed up to make me look good for the holidays! My Christmas pinup set is featured in the holiday issue of Bombshell Magazine, and I’m on one of the covers.

Catherine Morland Xmas Bombshell Cover
Holiday Bombshell cover.

I love red velvet and Christmas lights are basically in my blood at this point, so everything about this set is essential Catherine Morland, LOL. Marilee did a wonderful job for me. Every set is even better than the last, and I am grateful for her inspired work.

More after the jump…

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Victorian Pinup: Retro Lovely Victoriana Cover

While it’s not strictly pinup, the late 1860s dinner gown pictures Marilee Caruso took of me at the California State Capitol are in Retro Lovely’s inaugural Victoriana issue!

Marilee also did the beautiful makeup and hair, which works well with the fashion aesthetic even though we intended it to be fantasy. The dress is by Kay Gnagey of Originals by Kay and is based on an original ensemble in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s fashion collection. The Chantilly lace shawl is an antique, and the fan is from Amazon with a vintage silk ribbon from Etsy.

Victoriana Cover
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso for Retro Lovely’s Victoriana special edition.
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso for Retro Lovely's Victoriana special edition
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso for Retro Lovely’s Victoriana special edition.
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso for Retro Lovely's Victoriana special edition
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso for Retro Lovely’s Victoriana special edition.
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso for Retro Lovely's Victoriana special edition
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso for Retro Lovely’s Victoriana special edition.