New publications! Classic diner pinup in The Social Pin and Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre

Two more pinup publications this year, both with photography, makeup and hair by Marilee Caruso! My Rick’s Dessert Diner images are in the super-duper Social Pin Issue 72 (and on the back cover!) and my Lucy Westenra (of the Coppola Bram Stoker’s Dracula adaptation fame) pics are in Volume 1 of Retro Lovely‘s new Vampyre special edition!

On the back cover of The Social Pin #72!
Lucy Westenra cosplay
Lucy Westenra cosplay in Retro Lovely Vampyre.

More after the jump…

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Roses and the historic Tower Theatre in Retro Lovely 229

Last month, Marilee Caruso and I took some Summery outdoor pinup images in the garden in front of Sacramento’s historic Tower Theatre. They turned out just as I’d hoped, and appear in Retro Lovely Number 229! One of the covers for this issue features Suzi Q in a great jukebox-themed pinup set also photographed by Marilee!

Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso
Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso.

Marilee did the fabulous 1940s-inspired makeup and hair, and I’m wearing Vixen by Micheline Pitt (her 1950s Swing Sundress in red vintage roses print – it comes with the scarf!). The bat sunglasses are also by Micheline Pitt, from her La Femme en Noir line. The shoes are by Remix (I think they’re the Veronica style, but I’ve had them for at least 8 years at this point so I can’t be sure).

Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso
Catherine Morland photographed by Marilee Caruso.
Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso
Catherine Morland by Marilee Caruso.

We were going for mid-century old Hollywood glamour, and this locale provides that vibe. 

You can purchase this issue, and all of my issues here, or via the links in my Linktree: