This is the most recent adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma, produced by the BBC and WGBH Boston. The four-part miniseries aired Sundays on BBC One in October, 2009. It will air in three parts on PBS from January 24-February 7, 2010, as part of the Masterpiece Classic series. It stars Romola Garai as Emma, Jonny Lee Miller as Mr. Knightley, and Michael Gambon as Mr. Woodhouse. Michael Gambon's portrayal was nominated for an Emmy Award and Romola Garai's was nominated for a Golden Globe.
Jane Austen's Emma: BBC 2009
Twitter Party on January 31, 2010 : It's back! The first Emma Twitter Party was such a hit that we decided to come back for more! Join Vic and Laurel Ann for the 9-11pm ET timeslot, and author Laurie Viera Rigler and I for the 9-11pm PT timeslot. Both time zones will enjoy a quiz. Participants in either quiz event will be eligible for prizes from All Tweeps posting to the #emma_pbs hashtag during the events will qualify to use a special discount at ShopPBS!
My content:
- For the latest news and content relating to Emma 4, see my update blog's Emma 4 feed
- My initial thoughts on Episode 1 are available here. My Episode 2 mindvomit can be read here. My Episodes 3 & 4 happyrant is here.
- My Emma 4 screenshots (and official images) are available in the Image Gallery
- Emma filming locations writeup and links
- Emma credits compilation
- My Emma DVD review
- Purchase the DVD from my Amazon shop
Content presented by others:
- Cast, crew, and production information is available at
- DVD reviews: Blogcritics | | my DVD review
- Soundtrack composer Samuel Sim: IMDB entry | Myspace | Official Site
- Soundtrack information from Moviescore Media. Buy CD at Amazon | Download via iTunes | Review at HMP
- Costume trivia presented at If it looks familiar, you've probably seen it before!
- My roundup of costume resources, centered on the Emma costume exhibit at Chawton
- In Persuasions Online, Laurie Kaplan discusses negative critical responses to the latest Emma in Adapting Emma for the Twenty-first Century: An Emma No One Will Like
- Author Laurie Viera Rigler's Emma 2010 review
- Jane Austen Today's outstanding coverage of Emma 4
- Vic: Emma 2010 on PBS Masterpiece Classic: A Review
- Vic on print media coverage of this latest adaptation
- Vic on Emma and Vermeer
- Vic explains how to make Mrs. Weston's wedding cake!
- Vic on Jonny Lee Miller, our Mr. Knightley
- Laurel Ann: Emma (2009) on Masterpiece Classic - Miss Woodhouse, a Nonsensical Girl!
- Laurel Ann's superb Emma 4 preview
- Laurel Ann's Episode 2 slideshow
- Laurel Ann's Episode 3 slideshow
- Huge collection of screencaps
- The Romola Garai Image Archive presents behind-the-scenes photos
Official information:
- The official Emma site at PBS includes a slideshow, interviews, an Emma hero quiz, full streaming episodes (through 3/9/2010), and more!
- The official Emma site at contains airing schedules, cast information, images, video clips, and more.
- Official BBC press pack for Emma, including interviews with Romola Garai and Michael Gambon
- Original BBC press release for Emma (1/2009)
- BBC casting press release for Emma (4/2009)
- Official BBC promo clip
- A behind-the-scenes clip from BBC One plus a "Culture Minute" clip from the Telegraph
- This adaptation will be released on DVD on 2/9/2010
Internet articles and reviews:
- Djelloul Marbrook of the Daily News: An Obnoxious Regency Character Who Fits Right in on Wall Street
- JaneiteDeb at Jane Austen in Vermont: Random Thoughts on the Masterpiece Emma
- Arnoldo Rivas of The Celebrity Cafe: Jane Austen's Universe Returns to Masterpiece Classic With Emma
- Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly: A new Emma/What's your favorite Austen adaptation?
- Renee Scolaro Mora of PopMatters: Emma Miniseries Premiere
- Kevin McDonough's Remote Patrol blog: Emma on 'Masterpiece'
- Sarah Seltzer for the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy blogs: Can Any Emma Adaptation Top "Clueless"?
- Robert Lloyd of the Los Angeles Times: Emma on PBS' 'Masterpiece'
- Joanna Connors of the Cleveland Plain Dealer: Audiences can't get enough of Austen's Emma
- Matthew Gilbert of the Boston Globe: Emma takes the time to make the journey
- John Doyle of the Globe and Mail: Doyle's picks
- Jace of Televisionary: Playing Cupid
- Philip Kennicott of the Washington Post: Emma will delight Masterpiece Classic viewers
- Alessandra Stanley of the New York Times: It's Still Mostly Sunny at Hartfield
- Sharon Edelson of Women's Wear Daily: Love, Actually: New Emma TV Series Revisits the Classic Novel
- John Crook of Zap2It: Garai Glows as a Matchless Emma for 'Masterpiece'
- David Wiegand for Hearst: Latest Emma is a subtle charmer
- Jeffrey Gantz for the Boston Phoenix: Miss perfect
- Del Harvey for Small Screen Monthly: Emma
- The Independent: Has the costume drama had its day?
- Andrea Mullaney reviews Emma.
- Charles Moore at The Telegraph: Misjudged Emma is a pedant's dream
- Serena Davies of The Telegraph: Review: Emma (BBC1) and Monty Python - Almost the Truth – the BBC Lawyers’ Cut (BBC1)
- Lucy Mangan of The Guardian: Who's who in BBC1's Emma?
- Adam Sherwin of The Times Online: BBC is too reliant on 'moribund' period drama, says Howard Jacobson
- Anita Singh of the Telegraph: BBC banishes stuffy period characters from new Emma drama
- Professor Judith Hawley for the Telegraph: Values of Jane Austen novels are as important as the characters
- Leigh Holmwood of the Guardian: Bonnets and bodices lose attraction for BBC
- Emily Hill of Spiked: Jane Austen Meets Sex and the City
- Monsters and Critics presents an interview with Masterpiece Executive Producer, Rebecca Eaton, about the 2009-2010 Masterpiece Contemporary and Classic seasons
- C21 Media announces that Emma will air on PBS in the United States as part of WGBH's Masterpiece Classic strand
- A review by Tom Sutcliffe of the Independent
- A review by Sarah Dempster of The Guardian: Episode One | Episode Two | Episode Three | Episode Four
- A Episode 1 review by Judy at Costume Drama Reviews. Her Episode 2 and 3 reviews are also available.
- A discussion of Emma (and general Austen) adaptations by Paul Whitington of the Dublin Independent
- The Telegraph interviews Jonny Lee Miller
- A NewsOK interview with Jonny Lee Miller
- WalesOnline discusses Emma with Romola Garai
- The London Evening Standard interviews Romola Garai
- The Daily Mail includes a brief section on Romola Garai and Emma
- The Telegraph announces Romola Garai as the newest Emma
- Caitlin Fitzsimmons of the Guardian: BBC to remake Jane Austen's Emma
- UPI announcement regarding Romola Garai as Emma
- Clare Garner of the Independent: TV drama kings fall out over Jane Austen (July, 1996 article explaining how the BBC passed on Emma 3 because they'd already comissioned the Sandy Welch script that would become Emma 4)