Last updated: 6/30/2023
© 1996-2023 Kaliopi Pappas

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Emma 3

This is the song Jane Fairfax sings at the Hartfield party. The tune was written by Mozart. It was performed for this adaptation by Mary Carewe, accompanied on piano by Ian Watson.

Emma 3 Music: Wiegen Lied

Thanks to Daniela Guelicher for translating the German.

When you're finished here, you may want to go back to the Emma 3 music page.

Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, es ruhn
Schaefchen und Voegelchen nun,
Garten und Wiese verstummt,
auch nicht ein Bienchen mehr summt.
Luna mit silbernem Schein
gucket zum Fenster herein,
schlafe beim silbernen Schein.
Schlafe, mein Prinzchen,
schlaf ein, schlaf ein, schlaf ein.


Sleep, my little prince,
the little sheep and birds are resting now,
garden and meadow are silent,
not even a little bee is humming.
Luna with silvery shine
is looking through the window,
sleep with the silvery shine,
sleep, my little prince,
go to sleep, go to sleep.