Your Disney Doppelgangers and Alter Egos

Besides this one…

Everybody has at least one fictional character with whom they identify. I have dozens, including my own literary alter ego, whom I wrote about for years. Visual character representations are most relatable for more people for obvious reasons, and some of the biggest “personal totem” characters are Disney animated – and sometimes attraction-based – characters.

Here are my “Disney Doppelgangers,” chosen because they represent how I look, feel, or approach the world in one way or another:

Hair, nose, eyes, and basic disposition.
Dance of the Hours Ostrich
Body type and physical talents.
Fantasia 2k Flamingo
My situation.
Cheshire Cat
How everybody else sees me.
How I feel in relation to everybody else.
Donald's Diary
My lifestyle and fashion sense.
Donald's Diary
The real me.
Yzma Cat
When I win.

So, who’re yours? Why do you identify with them?

Images are from Lady and the Tramp, Fantasia, Fantasia 2000, Alice in Wonderland, The Emperor’s New Groove, and Donald’s Diary (a short from 1954). April is, of course, from the Haunted Mansion. She’s my closest and dearest Disney alter ego.

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